Jun 15, 2012

Summer has officially started.....

.....kicked off by the last day of school, and these two couldn't be happier.

last day of school

Can't believe it's on to 1st grade for Kayla and 4th grade for Kristin already. I still remember taking this at the start of the school year just 2 years ago. Can't believe how much they both have grown (and how dark Kristin got).

back to school


  1. Lol I love your photos! Your daughters are adorable :D Love the first picture !

  2. Sooo fun! I always look forward to a new fun.whimsical.silly pic of your girls. I would love to see a 'behind the scenes' post some day of how you set/design these! (Unless that's like a magician telling his secret?!) ;o)
    needle and nest design

  3. Fun Photo of the girls!

  4. Great photos, they have grown so much

  5. Happy Summer, Kristinandkayla!
    Another great set of photos with BIG SMILE.
    I am their super fans!!

  6. Hey! nice blog!
    I also have one, which is quite new.
    Visit us! You are welcome!
    A Guide for the Kids Team

  7. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Wow!! Your photos are amazing! I had to watch all these pictures in here! I really like your style to take pictures and your girls are so cute(:

    I found your blog at magazine in FINLAND! Here is a link:


    Headline in english: "Creative father take crazy pictures of his childrens - These pictures you have to see!"

    I love your blog, thank you!(:

  8. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Hi! All of my friends like this blog! I'd like to know where do you live and do you have a studio in your home or somewhere? Can I get your studio website if you have it?

    Thank you so mutch for answering my guestions and happy summer for you and your girls!!:)

  9. I am amazed at your photos--what great quality!

  10. Love these pics! :) My kids will be going in to the exact same grades!

  11. Hermosas fotos! Me divierten un monton, saludos desde Argentina!

  12. Me encantan las fotos, me divierten un monton y las niñas son hermosas! Saludos desde argentina!
