These two kids have a pretty wild imagination, and it seems like they think about candy and sweets a lot. I took them out to a local trail nearby our house and while we were walking, I asked them if they could live on their own planet what would it be like.
Kristin: Our planet would be called Kaykris, otherwise known as Candyland. It would be a purple planet.

Kristin: There would be no bugs.
Kayla: YEAH! Only butterflies.
Kayla: The grass would be purple. The sky is made out of cotton candy and the clouds are made out of marshmallows.
Kristin: Houses would be made out of gingerbread and cars would be made out of gummy bears.
Kristin: I would be the princess, and Kayla would be the Queen.
Kayla: Our clothes would be made out of fruit roll-ups : )
Kristin: If you steal something, you would go to jail.
Sounds like my kind of planet, where can I buy my ticket to Kaykris!