Kayla: SOCCER?!?! Oh my gosh, I LOVE soccer! MOM, can I go play soccer? CAN I? CAN I?

Mom: Are you sure? You said the same thing about ballet. We signed you up, and you cried for 4 straight classes and eventually we dropped out.
Kayla: No, I love soccer. I'm going to play. Soccer is like my FAVORITE!!! I love soccer!!
Mom: There's a soccer clinic coming up. Maybe you can go try it and see if you like it.
Kayla: OK! I want to go, I want to go!
Kayla: I'm gonna kick the ball like this! Let me show you! (she does this thing where she sucks in her cheeks before kicking and kicks with all her might)
Fast forward to soccer clinic. My wife sends me this picture and texts me "she's totally NOT participating." LOL. She sat there during the whole clinic and didn't want anything to do with soccer.

After coming home, she goes "............can we play soccer?" My wife was not amused.
Kristin is the polar opposite. She's willing to try anything once.