Dec 30, 2008
Year in pictures 2008
Dec 26, 2008
it's cold
It's been freezing here lately. Temps are supposed to be in the 30's tonight!!! I can't remember when the last time Kayla has complained about being cold, but this morning she started playing, only to realize she didn't have her pajamas on anymore, and started screaming, "Where my PANTS?! WHERE MY PANTS!"
Dec 25, 2008
stocking stuffers
Merry Christmas! Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday season, from the 'K' sisters : )
Dec 22, 2008
Dec 20, 2008
I hate when things don't turn out as planned. I had visioned a completely different shot and midway, I saw this cool looking tractor.
Dec 17, 2008
tree huggers
Getting ready for Christmas is such an exciting time of year for the kids. It's so precious to see them at this age, and how they still believe in Santa. I wonder how many more years of 'believing in Santa' before they realize the truth.
Dec 5, 2008
Kayla in print
This was the original image: