Aug 30, 2007
Aug 29, 2007
Splish Splash.....
Aug 28, 2007
Aug 27, 2007
Got Milk?
Aug 26, 2007
My legs are not straight
"Daddy, my legs are not straight, so that means I don't need to poo, right?" She's saying this in reference to Kayla always straightening her legs when she poops.
Aug 24, 2007
Kristin loves going for bike rides after I get off from work. It's been cooling off a bit now so we are able to go out more. She still hasn't figured out how to stop/slow down yet.
That doesn't stop her from having a smile on her face when she rides.
Aug 23, 2007
Branching out
Walking opens up a whole new world of possibilities for Kayla. She can now go exploring in our backyard. She can chase big sis. She can run like a wild child. In the end though, she always prefers being held.
Aug 22, 2007
Attack of the flying Crocs
Yes....Kristin actually wears her shoes out like this.
I felt bad for Kristin today, and feeling bad usually means spending more money. I went to pick her up from school today and another girl came up to me and said "Look at my NEW shoes!" I then looked at Kristin and she was looking at her own shoes, wondering "where's MY new shoes at?"
Aug 21, 2007
Smelly Feet
We always ask Kayla in Chinese, "Where are your smelly feet?" She then proceeds to try to stick her feet in your face...and they really do smell.....
Aug 20, 2007
I eat Norman
"Daddy, Daddy, why do you eat so fast!?!?!"
"I don't eat fast honey, I eat normal speed. You need to eat faster."
"Daddy, Daddy, I eat Norman too!"
Aug 19, 2007
I know Spanish
Kristin is so funny.....yesterday we went to her great grandmothers house and saw her auntie Kylie. She loves playing with her and totally adores her. In an effort to impress Kylie, she blurted out "I KNOW SPANISH!!!! I KNOW SPANISH" She then started counting in Chinese"Yut...Yeee...Som....Say..Oom...Look......" It was sooo funny.
Aug 18, 2007
Aug 17, 2007
1 yr check up
19lbs 7oz
22.29% percentile weight
54.26% percentile length
92.78% percentile head circumference
She needs to eat more : /
Aug 16, 2007
Aug 15, 2007
Orange and a flower
It was a nice enough day out today that the kids got to go out and play in the backyard. Kristin always asks for a flower and an orange when we go out there. She gets so happy from the most simple things.
Aug 14, 2007
Aug 12, 2007
Happy Birthday Kayla!
Aug 11, 2007
Aug 10, 2007
Aug 9, 2007
Hot. Cold. Hot. Cold.
Aug 8, 2007
New Dress
Aug 7, 2007
Aug 6, 2007
I want go on that thing
We went to Fisherman's Wharf this past weekend, and you know Kristin.....if she sees the merry go round, she has to get on it. It was so funny, she doesn't know the English word for it, so she kept going, "I want go on that thing, I want go on that thing." Selina kept teasing her, "What thing, what thing? What is that called?" Finally, Kristin goes " I want to go on that keh-mook-mah!"

After Fisherman's Wharf, we went to visit my Grandma in Chinatown. Kristin liked to peek out the window, looking for familiar cars.

After Fisherman's Wharf, we went to visit my Grandma in Chinatown. Kristin liked to peek out the window, looking for familiar cars.

Aug 5, 2007
Can someone get me out of here?
Aug 4, 2007
If I lived under the sea sea sea.....
Aug 3, 2007
I want Pot Stickers for dinner....on Friday
Kristin says the most random things now. I can't wait for Kayla to start talking. She's driving us nuts with her constant "Uhhhh, UHHHH, UHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Right now all she can say is 'mum-mum', 'nai-nai', 'do-rah', and 'bah-bie'. At our dinner time its always "Uhhhh, UHHHH, UHHHHHHHH!!!!!" while pointing at our food.

Aug 1, 2007
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