Sep 15, 2010

After school

After school was always my favorite time of the day. It's probably the same for the 2 K's. Everyday they always want to ride their bikes, or water the garden, or do something other than their homework and shower.

I don't know why Kristin is still riding her bike, that I bought for her 3rd birthday! Training wheels and all.

Always happy to be riding her trike.

"Look Dad, I can balance with no feet!" Yeah, its because you have training wheels supporting you.


Kristin looks so funny with her 'adult' teeth growing in.

I had no idea what Kayla was doing, rustling the bushes with a broomstick. Then I see she was trying to get bugs out of the bushes


  1. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Awesome as always. That first picture reminds me of my childhood and not wanting to admit I was growing up whether I wanted to or not. :)

  2. Your girls are so beautiful! That picture with the "adult teeth"... she is going to be a stunning woman.

  3. Thanks Eliezer. I think Kristin is going through that phase right now. It's so amazing to see them grow, completely oblivious to the changes.

    Thanks Amber : ) I'm just crossing my fingers that she doesn't need braces like I did.

  4. kristin's smile is so beautiful :D
    and kayla is so silly with the broomstick. they have such amazing personalities :D and they're both so so cute. kristin, i don't want to grow up either! : ( too soon... too soon...

  5. .venny., I know, they are growing up way too fast : (

  6. Your blog is very nice!! I'm also a Dad of two kids (one 5 years old boy and a newborn girl) and I love your photos.

    If you allow me, I'll follow your posts using RSS.

    Thank you!

    Edson Viana
    São Paulo, Brazil

  7. Thanks Edson! Feel free to follow me.


  8. hi jason!

    my friend sent me a link of a post of yours on my modern metropolis and i must say your PHOTOGRAPHY and CREATIVITY is truly inspiring and amazing!!

    all of the photos of kristin and kayla truly make my heart smile!! :D keep up the great work!!

  9. Love your blog! I just bought my first camera and I am so inspired by your talent! I posted a link to your blog from mine- I'll keep checking back soon! Oh, and great pics from NYC (that's where I live!) So unique!
