Dec 24, 2012

Wishing you Happy Holidays!

Hope everybody gets what they asked for from Santa! I asked Santa for help with putting up Christmas decorations. He delivered.



  1. Just wanted to wish Happy Holidays to you and your family, and also to drop a note to say how much I enjoy your pics.

  2. I am so happy I stumbled on this blog! What great photos and awesome little models! I am addicted to looking at your work- and their cute little smiles. :)

  3. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Pleeeease update more! I love this blog and your kids are so adorable :) And Happy new year!

  4. Happy new year to you, look forward to seeing more of your truly inspiring photos this year!

  5. Anonymous2:40 AM

    ja ja, great photo!!!!

  6. How in the world did you get this shot?!

  7. Shinobu Oguchi2:46 PM

    Wonderful!!!! I really like your art style!
    And Sisters soooooo cute !

    from Japan ,kanagawa

  8. Anonymous4:54 AM

    I really really love your blog ! Your pictures and your daughter are just beautiful ! I am a french mum, i am trying to take pictures of my tow daughters but I am so shame when I look yours !!! :) I follow you now ! :)

  9. Anonymous8:58 PM

    I just spent the past half an hour on this blog. I had been rather depressed and unable to do anything for the last week, and looking at these photos brought a kind of breakthrough. The excitement and joy of the girls are so contagious, your love for them so apparent, I was reminded of that there are still many, many awesome and wonderful things in this world. Thank you. You have the most beautiful daughters.

  10. i like this blog, 2 cute girls.

  11. Hope you post more photos soon.

  12. Hi Jason,

    I just wanted to thank you for sharing this body of work. I guess what makes me want to look at it is super commercial style, while the subject is the love of your life - your two daughters. The creativity helps too :)

    Kirill Varshavskiy.

  13. Clever, especially the shadows. Your girls have great smiles.

  14. your little pup is so cute. i so love.

  15. Felicidades desde Chileeeeeee ... ame las totos de tus dos princesasss

  16. Very beautiful your images, you are a true artist. I hope that one day you can also shoot my daughter birthday coming in next month. God bless you always, already turned your fan ..

    Professional Photography Event

  17. Holidays are always special and memorable to everyone. Picture is good thanks to shared with us.
