Nov 25, 2010



I thought this was the sweetest thing. While other kids had written they were thankful for toys, games, and other material items, Kayla had written she was thankful for her family.


Some humor for your Thanksgiving day. While listening to Justin Bieber, Kayla asks, is that a girl singing? We explain to her, no, it's a boy. He just hasn't gone through puberty so his voice sounds a little like a girl. Once he goes through puberty, his voice will change and sound more deeper. A few minutes pass by. "Daddy, have you gone through Pilgrim yet, since your voice doesn't sound like a girl?"


  1. Hi,

    I'm amazed by your pictures. Your two Ks are just tooo adorable. (: I posted some of your picture on tumblr., and gave credits to this blog. Do tell me if you're not comfortable with putting these photos up and I'll get them removed.

    Thanks for having some an amazing blog. I am studying for my exams and reading your blog has sure taken some stress off from me.

    I hope you'll continue to post pictures up. And I know your kids are glad to have you as their dad.

    Happy thanksgiving. (:


  2. Hi HuiYi,

    Thanks for the kind words, and glad you enjoyed their stories and pictures : )

  3. Hi Jason,

    Greetings from Chicago! Your pictures are just so great (the captions are too funny), and the K's remind me so much of me and my sister when we were younger. My classmates and I were looking at your blog minutes before an exam (I'm a second-year med student) and it was such an instant stress-relief! Thank you for taking time to put these up, they are greatly appreciated!


  4. Thanks Joyce! Hope you aced your exam!

  5. Sometimes I think the whole world shares the same thanksigiving day. So thoughtful of Kayla to know that she has her family behind her all the way :)

  6. Hi Jason -

    Recently learned about your blog and wanted to say that you have such amazing work (and great stories might I add)! Thanks for sharing and for the inspiring me with your pictures!


  7. going thru pilgrim will be my new code word. lol

    thank you for that.

  8. honest convo with my 5year old; her: "this is Justin Beiber" Me:"honey, this is Pink, she's a girl", "well, Justin Beiber sounds like a girl." .... couldnt have said it any better.
